Frederik De Ceuster
Computational Physicist – Leuven Gravity Institute, KU Leuven

Office 06.07 - Building 200D
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
KU Leuven, Belgium
My research focuses on developing efficient and quantifiably accurate methods to simulate complex astrophysical processes, such as relativistic hydrodynamics, radiation transport, and chemistry. I like to test our understanding of physics by searching for ways to compare our most sophisticated models with our best observations.
As a Research Scientist at the Leuven Gravity Institute, I’m developing numerical models for sources of gravitational waves. Using probabilistic numerics, I test our current best theory of gravity: Einstein’s theory of General Relativity.
As a postdoc, I led the computational research division in the group of Prof. L. Decin at the Institute of Astronomy (KU Leuven). I obtained a PhD in computational astrophysics from University College London, working with Revd. Prof. J. Yates, Prof. P. Boyle, and Prof. J. Hetherington. There, I started developing Magritte: a software library for 3D line radiative transfer and synthetic obsevations. Prior to that, I obtained a BSc and MSc in Physics from KU Leuven.